Spoken Word (6/30)

Check this out. This form of worship expression strikes my chords.

It’s like the meeting place of Scripture reading, public prayer, artistic expression, finely-tuned language, rap, and more.

This first video introduces a woman named Amena Brown and some of her story.

This second video gives you a sampling of what I’m talking about. I hope it blesses you, as it did me.

Here’s one more if this is doing good things for you.

How do you Spell… (3/30)

The name of that pretty frost that coats trees in the winter?

No dictionaries allowed. Don’t even think about looking it up!

My wife and I are having a discussion on how people commonly spell (and say) this word. It’s time for THE PEOPLE to chime in, so leave your comment with your spelling of choice.

PS: The first ten responses will be used in a highly scientific bit of research.