Reading a recent Philip Yancey article, this resonated with where I’m at today…
“I’ve become more convinced than ever that God finds ways to communicate with those who truly seek him, especially when we lower the volume of the surrounding static. I remember reading the account of a spiritual seeker who interrupted a busy life to spend a few days in a monastery.
‘I hope your stay is a blessed one,’ said the monk who showed the visitor to his cell. ‘If you need anything, let us know, and we’ll teach you how to live without it.'”
I wish I could afford “time outs” like that at times. This year is my 10 yr from Western (High-school) I’m thinking that it would be a good “time out” for me to attend.
I like that “if you need anything let us know” quote.
I think he’s right.
Now all I have to do is agree.