After being away last weekend, let’s get back to sharing another edition of the aims-to-be weekly Six-Pack.
This week’s collection features the usual mix of ministry, faith, and anything else that piqued interest.
If six ever feels overwhelming, start with my two *Picks of the Week*, and move out from there.
For a steady stream of such links, follow me on Twitter to the right of this post. Sharp quotes and solid articles are tweeted 3-4 times daily.
Today’s edition:
1) Is Peace Possible (*PICK OF THE WEEK*)
The conflict in the Holy Land has been painted as an unsolvable religious dispute. But is there more to the story? Oh, almost certainly!
2) Unplug SF
If you have an issue with your cell phone — an issue of over-attentiveness — perhaps you should visit San Francisco.
3) Why I Park the Furthest from the Church
This brief post explains how Derwin Gray choose his parking spot each day.
4) Precious Memories (*PICK OF THE WEEK*)
Why do we love sports? Beyond the action and the athleticism, some theorize it’s actually deeper: More about connection. This ESPN piece on UNC legend Dean Smith and his battle with dementia will stir both sports fans and others.
5) The Right Culture for Community
Most churches emphasize the term “community”, as in the nature of the relationships being built between people. Ed Stetzer has some thoughts on what it takes to build a culture capable of creating and nurturing legitimate community.
6) Supernormal Stimuli
“Is Your Brain Truly Ready for Junk Food, Porn, or the Internet?” That’s the title on this fascinating article, from Gregory Ciotti. While the evolution-based assumptions aren’t mine, there is a lot of sound observation in here about how (and why) people operate within the world of today.
May your week ahead be filled with life, as you seek the One from whom it flows!
YOUR TURN: Your input makes this post better!
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- Why that one?
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