New Music Nearly Free

[In my January 1, 2015 post, I christened this the “Year of Learning” here on the blog. Each post, I’ll aim to share something recently discovered (or re-discovered) in the hope that you might add my learning to your own discoveries and make double-moves forward and upward this year!]

great musicI’ve learned of a site that offers 6.2 million tracks of music, for about 90% cheaper than the mega-music-site everyone knows about. You may find that as hard to believe as I did, but now I just can use this site and sit to listen my music all day, I even got new speakers that I saw in this logitech z906 500w 5.1 speakers review online, so the music sound even better.

A friend shared a link to just such a site over Christmas break. Curiosity made me click. More curiosity made me research. To my surprise, there are a number of such sites that I have never heard of. I determined the best one for my purposes to be PayPlay.FM. Their collection of Christian music and worship albums is impressive; I even grabbed a few miles-from-mainstream works that gave me the impression that this site would likely serve even somewhat eclectic tastes. Total bill: 11 complete albums for under $15.

Yes, you read that correctly.

No joke.

So there you have it — my first offering in the “Year of Learning” here at Wandering & Wondering. You get to save big money and discover new music — double-win!

You’re welcome! 🙂

Saturday Six-Pack (44)

Welcome to the weekend and to the Six-Pack. Below is the latest installment of best-of pieces I’ve recently read online.

As per usual, most pieces are faith-focused or ministry-minded; for the rest of them, you get a smattering of who-knows-what!

If you need direction, begin with my two *Picks of the Week*, and move out from there.

For a steady stream of such links, follow me on Twitter ( @JasonBandura ) to the right of this post.  Sharp quotes and solid articles are tweeted 3-4 times daily.

Today’s edition:

1) Christopher Hitchens’ Lies Do Atheism No Favours
Salon featured this intriguing piece, by professing atheist Curtis White. It is his call for greater intellectual integrity among those believing in no-God.

2) I Am a Preacher (*PICK OF THE WEEK*)
Thank you Jonathan Martin for giving language to some of the bizarre aspects of being a preacher. If you are a preacher or know a preacher, this may be enlightening.

3) Here’s Something about the Bible of the First Christians I Bet You Didn’t Know
If you love the Bible, then Peter Enns wants to give you a crash course on this word: Septuagint. Count this as your “something new” for today’s learning.

4) Why Christians Make Miserable Addicts (*PICK OF THE WEEK*)
For the Huffington Post, Heather Kopp says that addiction wields power in some uniquely destructive ways for people of faith. Here’s why.

5) World Crokinole Championships: The Great Paternal Experiment
Ominocity recently featured this piece by my friend Nic Olson, on a most unique road trip.

6) A Brief History of the Demise of Battle Bots
Remember those UFC-for-Robots shows? I possess no skills to create such contraptions, but just enough geekiness to appreciate those who do. Here, from PopSci, is how that odd trend of programming wound toward extinction.

Another Six-Pack served.  Have at it!

May your weekend be full of awareness and enjoyment of the One who loves you deeply. Grace and peace, my friends.

YOUR TURN: Which link above was most intriguing–why that one? Direct others readers to the best of the bunch. Your input makes this post better!

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