Each week (I aim for Thursday), I’ll use this space to list five things (items, experiences, people, whatever) for which I’ve been recently grateful. Consider it my “blessings count”. Ann Voskamp’s famous challenge to list 1000 gifts seemed daunting — I’m committing to 500, a task which will take me two years of weekly posts to complete!
I missed it by a day this week (again), but surely there’s no expiration date on gratitude!
1) Amazon
Tomorrow, we are having birthday party number two for our youngest daughter. We ordered gifts on the mega-website a couple weeks back, and they arrived this afternoon – as on-time as one could hope! (No drones were involved in this delivery.)
2) Parents
My folks spent a couple hours with our children this afternoon, freeing my wife and me for a couple errands and an afternoon walk in the park. Yay for loving parents and wonderful grandparents!
3) Heat
The above-mentioned walk was our way of enjoying the most full-blown summer day of the year so far. What a treat!
4) Frozen Green Tea
Tim Hortons also played a role in the afternoon pleasures, providing the liquid refreshments to go with the sweet company.
5) Ballet
I cannot say that this art form is among those which I appreciate most, but this weekend marks our first recital experience as parents. Our two oldest daughters will play Dr. Seuss-related roles in the year-end performance further for their dance school. Should be sweet!
YOUR TURN: Your input makes this post better!
- Did any of this week’s list especially strike a chord with you?
- What’s one thing you’re particularly grateful for this week?
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