Over a year ago, I made a public declaration on this blog.
On the heels of that move, I wanted to write more.
Some time later, I altered sleep habits to create more time for it. And the production of blog posts went up.
Now it’s time for another change.
What I really want to write is a book.
What I really want write is several.
And what I really cannot handle is pumping minutes and keystrokes into blogging AND books. Something has to shift.
So, here is my compromise.
I will continue to blog with the goal of sharing three times weekly:
1) A video or quote discovered along the way.
2) The Six-Pack each weekend for further resource sharing.
3) One original post per week, likely related to or taken from what has come out of my writing time each week. Sometimes these will simply be shared; other times, I will solicit feedback and response from your sharp eyes and minds.
I’ve made baby steps toward being more faithful to my declaration. Time to kick it up another notch!