Sunday Six-Pack (43)

Welcome to the weekend and to the Six-Pack. Below is the latest installment of best-of pieces I’ve recently read online. As per usual, most pieces are faith-focused or ministry-minded; others are covered under the banner of who-knows-what!

If you need direction, begin with my two *Picks of the Week*, and move out from there.

For a steady stream of such links, follow me on Twitter ( @JasonBandura ) to the right of this post.  Sharp quotes and solid articles are tweeted 3-4 times daily.

Today’s edition:

1) You’re Reading the Wrong Book of Esther
The Book of Esther occupies a controversial place in the Bible. So says Joel Miller. Check out this reflection on this unique book of Scripture.

2) I Am Sorry (*PICK OF THE WEEK*)
Exodus International, a polarizing organization for its stance and approach to homosexuality, is closing after thirty-seven years. This apology letter by its leader is important reading for anyone wanting to enter the dialog. This response from Exodus spokeswoman Julie Rodgers supplements the follow-up conversation richly.

3) Three Things Churches Love that Kill Outreach
I have been part of churches all my life, and I have yet to be part of one where outreach appeared to be happening in a natural and unimpeded way. Some of these factors (from Church Leaders) have been tied into those struggles.

4) You Can’t Think Your Way to God (*PICK OF THE WEEK*)
This CT gem features an interview with Canadian philosopher and professor James K.A. Smith. The title isn’t nearly enough to summarize this rich reflection. Too much to sum up; go read. You will be given several logs that you’ve never before placed on your fire.

5) Ten Inspirational Leadership Quotes
I am a sucker for good quotes. This batch is from Personal Success Today. If even one of these does for you what it’s supposed to do (inspire), then the link will be worth posting.

6) Angry is a Habit
As is his practice, Seth Godin packs a punch in tiny package. Allow him to nudge you toward a plan on how to address that habit(s) that is holding you back.

Another Six-Pack served.  Have at it!

May the remainder of your weekend be full of awareness and enjoyment of the God who loves you deeply. Grace and peace, my friends.

YOUR TURN: Which link above was most useful–why that one? Direct others readers to the best of the bunch. Your input makes this post better!

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