Saturday Six-Pack (10)

Welcome to some weekend “Wandering & Wondering”.

In an effort to add some information and inspiration to your Saturday, today’s Six-Pack follows the usual guidelines.  Most articles are faith-focused or ministry-geared, with the “disorderly pile of who-knows-what” tagline at the top of this page catching everything outside of that!

Today’s collection:

1) Twelve Months, Twelve Religions
Out of Ur provides this springboard into more extensive blog reading OR the buying of a book.  If you only have one click to spend on this story, some of the comments after the short article are worth the time.

2) What the Holy Spirit Can Do for Your Preaching
Jim Cymbala sees radical need for churches to be powerful witnesses for Christ in our world.  What does your preaching really need to fuel and feed toward this end?  It needs the Spirit of God.

3) Prayer is Hard Work
Though prayer is instinctive, it is also difficult labor. David M’Intyre makes and explains this point in his book The Hidden Life of Prayer.  Tim Challies provides this excerpt.

4) By What Standard?
A few years ago, a documentary called Collision was made where Douglas Wilson debated Christopher Hitchens on Is Christianity Good for the World? Hundreds of hours of footage was shot and edited down to 90 minutes of solid debate and conversation.  Discussion and highlights of this work can be found here.

5) Eulogies and Dyslogies for Charles Colson
Colson passed away last month.  I found no better post dedicated to his life and passing than this one from InternetMonk.  If, for whatever reason, you don’t know much about Charles Colson, this post will still contain plenty for you.

6) 14 Action-Inducing Lessons from Benjamin Franklin
Dumb Little Man has provided a “get moving” post here that features some great quotes.  Provocative enough to nudge the most planted butt off the couch.  Read it, and get rolling!

That’s a wrap.  Treasure the day, friends–renew yourself and reverence God.

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