Inspiration from John Wesley

Researching recently a bit about John Wesley, I came upon this line:

“Though his understanding of both justification and the assurance varied throughout his life, Wesley never stopped preaching the importance of faith for salvation and the witness of God’s Spirit with the belief that one was, indeed, a child of God.”

Wesley would accurately be called a heavyweight in church history–a figure of influence and impact with lasting (and labeled) influence being seen still in the Methodist movement and the Holiness movement.  All that to say: This is a big fellow in the history of Christianity, with a sharp mind and a robust faith.

Yet the quote above speaks to movement and variance in his faith.  There was journey, and not always in a steady, upward direction.

And that makes me smile a small smile, for that is my road too.  And for all the stress that I have felt from times of uncertainty, longing for firmer ground and a steadier spirit, it appears that God is quite able to use such wobbly folks as this.

I’m grateful that this is so.

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