A few years back, I was given “The Two Year Bible”. Yes, that’s the lite version of “The One Year Bible”, and no, I don’t know why I received it. But I decided to open it up with this new year.
In the midst of a thousand discussions about Christianity, the church, faith and culture, and more; I often feel like my head is swimming. Some of the discussions have merit; some are simply sophisticated-sounding forms of whining or grumbling.
But every so often, something shines through with enough brightness that you know it’s for real. Today, that “something” was Psalm 1:
1 Oh, the joys of those who do not
follow the advice of the wicked,
or stand around with sinners,
or join in with mockers.
2 But they delight in the law of the Lord,
meditating on it day and night.
3 They are like trees planted along the riverbank,
bearing fruit each season.
Their leaves never wither,
and they prosper in all they do.
Don’t get sucked into bad stuff.
Delight in what God loves.
This will make your life a good thing.
Call me simple if you must, but I can work with that.
That’s some good stuff J.
That’s the stuff that reminds me why I’m a Christian. Love it!