A Will and a Way and an Empty Blog

I’ve wanted to write on here all week.


And on Monday, my day-timer looked free-er than usual–plenty of time to write. Well, this is my first entry of the week, and its point is…

That I have nothing to blog about.

My “open” week has evaporated into a series of office tasks that I hadn’t been counting on, into my first experience of entering the Christmas rat race in three years (I’d nearly forgotten the beauty of Christmas rats), into an extension of my struggle from last week to concentrate for more than two minutes, and into that annoying debate of whether it’s worth my while to wash my filthy car or whether the right-around-zero weather we’re having will just make it grubby again tomorrow.

Hardly inspiring, I know.

But a friend reminded me this week: “Jay, your blog isn’t ‘Inspiring Stuff’; it’s called ‘A Disorderly Pile of Who-Knows-What'”.

Very true, my friend.  Very true.

So in the quest of re-discovering my identity, I’m posting this: A pile of something that amounts to nothing.


Sure feels good to have found myself again…

1 thought on “A Will and a Way and an Empty Blog

  1. I’m feeling the same over here in toon town. Trying to buy everything I need to get for gifts and work and still try to have time for my gf who is in for the holidays, …and still have enough money to put gas in the car. Its crazy to try and keep up but I want to somehow. Is that so weird to want to keep up with the rats?

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