Six-Pack (68)

Welcome to the Six-Pack!

The weekend slipped by me, but I refuse to miss another Six-Pack post. Let’s get at it!

If a half-dozen links feels daunting, start with the *Picks of the Week*, and branch from there.

For a steady stream of such links, follow me on Twitter to the right of this post.  Sharp quotes and solid articles are tweeted 3-4 times daily.

Today’s edition:

1) Should Churches Hire Youth Pastors? (*PICK OF THE WEEK*)
Trust Tony Campolo to ask an insightful, against-the-flow question on how churches allocate staff resources. He’s on to something here, make no mistake.

2)  Here’s How to Win by Coach Gregg Popovich
Derwin Gray looks back on the Spurs’ recent championship and draws these very brief lessons from the approach of their victorious coach.

3)  What the Amish Can Teach Us About Technology
This piece from Psychology Today makes a simple suggestion: Sometimes the informed experts on a topic aren’t the people you’re thinking of. Good post!

4)  Autopsy of a Burned Out Pastor
Thom Rainer‘s newest book is about dead churches. Here he borrows the metaphor to share research-findings about pastors who have fallen along the way.

5)  What Happens to the Brain During Spiritual Experiences? (*PICK OF THE WEEK*)
Ever heard of neurotheology? Me neither, until I read this post from The Atlantic. Pretty interesting stuff!

6) Where is All the Miraculous Healing in the US?
Charisma Magazine explores a question I’ve heard multiple times before: If miracles really happen, why does it seem like they almost never happen HERE?!

May your week ahead be filled with life, as you seek the One from whom it flows!

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Six-Pack (61)

Welcome to the latest edition of the Six-Pack, delivered right on time! Grab your coffee, choose your comfy chair, and settle in!

This week’s collection features the usual mix of ministry, faith, and anything else that piqued interest. I think you’ll be pleased, provoked, and pushed.

If six ever feels overwhelming, start with my two *Picks of the Week*, and move out from there.

For a steady stream of such links, follow me on Twitter to the right of this post.  Sharp quotes and solid articles are tweeted 3-4 times daily.

Today’s edition:

1) Dallas Willard Changed My Ministry Forever (*PICK OF THE WEEK*)
Dallas Willard’s books (particularly “Divine Conspiracy”) will forever hold spots on my “best of” list. Looks like Chris Nye might agree as he reflects on the late author and teacher impacted his life and work.

2) The Secret Pain of Pastors
For, Philip Wagner considers some of the challenges faced by those in ministry roles. Friends of mine have faced every one of these in huge doses — I know a few firsthand myself.

3) Are Sex and Religions Natural Enemies? (*PICK OF THE WEEK*)
I like to think about religion. I like to think about sex too, sometimes I visit some website about it too. Naturally, this article struck my chords then. I think some of the basic premise is a bit goofy, but there are fascinating bits in here, all the same.

4) Here’s How Maria Popova Writes
I’ve long been fascinated with how creative people create — artists, musicians, writers, whatever. Here, CopyBlogger caught up with writer Maria Popova. There’s some great stuff in this interview.

5) The Disney Recipe
When Jeffrey Katzenberg became the head of Walt Disney Studios, he was given the task of fixing what was broke. For direction, he turned to archived wisdom from Walt Disney himself. He learned a few things. You might too.

6) How Much Can an Extra Hour’s Sleep Change You?
This study, summarized by BBC, says: Quite a lot!

May your week ahead be filled with life, as you seek the One from whom it flows!

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Six-Pack (58)

Consider this Six-Pack “right out of the ice” — these prairies are unbelievably cold this past week. Spring may not be far off, but it feels light years away in the midst of these days.

My reading and writing habits are beginning to regain some steam after stretches of sickness and travel. Here are the best pieces of the past week’s exploring.

If six ever feels overwhelming, start with my two *Picks of the Week*, and move out from there.

For a steady stream of such links, follow me on Twitter to the right of this post.  Sharp quotes and solid articles are tweeted 3-4 times daily.

Today’s edition:

1) What Studying Camels Can Teach You About the Bible (*PICK OF THE WEEK*)
This is an very intriguing read for any who love Scripture and long to understand its journey from “inspired word” to “leather-bound book”. This piece does nothing to shake my confidence in the Bible, but it raises some great questions for how believers define the Good Book’s authoritative nature.

2) Top Ten Jesus Movies
Last week marked the ten-year anniversary of “The Passion of the Christ”. To mark the date, CT released its assessment of a century’s worth of Christ-centered cinema.

3) Five Powerful Ideas that Could Change Your Ministry Approach
This will take you two minutes to read. How long you think about it after is up to you. Any one of these five succinct ideas has the potential to contain the kernel of truth that you and your church need for the season ahead.

4) Two Different Types of Hitchens (*PICK OF THE WEEK*)
Christopher Hitchens was a well-known atheist. His brother Peter is a slightly less-known journalist. One died viewing religion as a source of poison’ the other lives, having embraced a faith he once scorned.

5) The Hardest Medal to Win
The nation of Poland have a special medal you can win, but it will take you fifty years to do it! Why don’t more nations do this?

6) How to Begin Forgiving Your Parents
hether you’ve had great parents, lousy parents, or somewhere in between, you haven’t had perfect parents. What do you do with those gaps, those shortfalls? What about the wounds or the scars or the hurts you still carry. Leslie Leyland Fields (hosted by Ann Voskamp) has a few ideas on where to begin — they arose as she visited her long-absent and dying father.

May your week ahead be filled with life, as you seek the One from whom it flows!

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Six-Pack (56)

Way too long away! I have missed every one of you, AND I’ve missed posting. Time to re-establish order in our post-sickness lives. Cheers to new days and new starts!

So let’s jump in: Here is the first Six-Pack of 2014 — the best pieces that have kicked off my year. As usual, selections are generally centered on faith or ministry, though we leave sufficient license to include who-knows-what as we discover it!

If six ever feels overwhelming, start with my two *Picks of the Week*, and move out from there.

For a steady stream of such links, follow me on Twitter to the right of this post.  Sharp quotes and solid articles are tweeted 3-4 times daily.

Today’s edition:

1) My Advice to Married Couples After Divorcing My Wife of 16 Years (*PICK OF THE WEEK*)
Married, single, divorced, engaged, want-to-be-married, couldn’t-care-less — if you know another human being, read this. It might change the way you see or touch those lives.

2) How I Rediscovered Faith
Relevant Magazine‘s latest issue involves Malcolm Gladwell recounting a life-altering trip to Winnipeg as part of the research on his last book.

3) The Absolute Best iPhone Apps for Pastors
I do love being a pastor (most of the time), and I do love having an iPhone (most of the time). This list, from ProPreacher provides an interesting read for any other preacher trying to wield smartphones productively.

4) SATAN: Old Testament Servant Angel or New Testament Cosmic Rebel?
This is a LONG read. But if you’ve ever been interested in the person of Satan as Scripture describes him, this is fascinating stuff that will have you asking new questions and re-reading familiar old passages with fresh eyes.

5) Interview with the Ultimate Warrior (*PICK OF THE WEEK*)
This is a fun article, filled with childhood flashbacks for this former WWF fan. The former superstar chats about everything from career challenges to the business side of wrestling to being in a video game still today to slamming Andre the Giant.

6) Why Atheists are Angry at God
Joe Carter, of TGC, observes that some atheists approach non-faith in a strictly logical and rational way. But he notes what he considers to be far more atheists whose stance is emotionally charged. His question: What are they mad about? That might be good to know.

May your week ahead be filled with life, as you seek the One from whom it flows!

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Six-Pack (54)

Welcome to the latest Six-Pack! I am so grateful for every reader who stops by to check out the latest assortment of “best links”.

As regular readers already know, these pieces are generally centered on faith or ministry, though we leave sufficient license to include who-knows-what as we discover it!

If six ever feels overwhelming, start with my two *Picks of the Week*, and move out from there.

For a steady stream of such links, follow me on Twitter to the right of this post.  Sharp quotes and solid articles are tweeted 3-4 times daily.

Today’s edition:

1) Barak and Women Leaders (*PICK OF THE WEEK*)
David Lamb shares this brief piece about what we can learn from the Judges-story of Deborah and Barak.

2) When do We Cross the Line into Plagiarism?
Out of Ur features a number of scholars and preachers on this sticky issue from the realm of preaching.

3) Atheist Mega-Churches Looking for Non-Believers
What do you do if you want a weekly gathering or a community of non-faith? According to USA Today, you join an Atheist Church apparently. Or if you don’t, at least a lot of others do!

4) Seven Thoughts on Pastors Writing Books (*PICK OF THE WEEK*)
As a pastor who hopes to write books, this article (from Kevin DeYoung) contained a number of great bits. To the rest of you, it may come off as the weakest “Pick of the Week” so far!

5) Ayn Rand Didn’t Understand Capitalism. Or Altruism. Or Christianity. Or Reality.
I can’t claim to be well-versed in Ayn Rand, though her name comes up occasionally in books I read. This thoughtful critique of her views should provide both a primer to beginners and a fueling to those already familiar with this provocative woman.

6) Marketing Jesus in Ukraine
John Frye shares why he loves representing Christ in Ukraine and how the experience delivers him from a Stars-and-Stripes-wrapped Jesus.

May your week ahead be filled with life, as you seek the One from whom it flows!

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  • Why that one?

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