Leaning heavily on the adage “better late than never”, I give you this week’s Saturday Six-Pack… on Tuesday!
The perk? Only five days to the next half-dozen online offerings.
As usual, these articles are mostly faith-focused or ministry-geared, with a bit of disorderly-pile-of-who-knows-what tossed in!
If you need help starting, begin with my two *Picks of the Week*, and move from there.
For a steady stream of such links, follow me on Twitter ( @JasonBandura ) to the right of this post. Sharp quotes and solid articles are tweeted 3-4 times daily.
Today’s edition:
1) The Bonds of Freedom
There is great paradox within the Christian understanding of freedom. This piece from Christianity Today‘s Roger Olson fleshes out the tensions that differentiate Christian freedom from the version many of us fantasize about.
2) Tracking Wonder and Making More Time to Create
This non-Christian piece from Psychology Today was my morning call to prayer. If you need more time for living, your next move is worship. At least, that is what I read. For the original statement, click the link above.
3) Great Quotes on Great Leadership (*PICK OF THE WEEK*)
Anyone who knows me knows that I love a great quote. Tim Challies offers this list of the best bits he found in Albert Mohler’s book, “The Conviction to Lead.” (He reviews the book, which he calls “probably the best book on leadership I’ve ever read” HERE.)
4) You Asked: Does the Bible Separate Salvation from Baptism?
This brief but balanced response is offered by the Gospel Coalition to a question received from a reader, a question relevant to the whole of the Christian community, and helpfully clarifying to my Churches of Christ heritage, whose views get unnamed mention in this piece.
5) Why Should We Care About Advent? (*PICK OF THE WEEK*)
In regard to Advent, there’s one question that trips up more Evangelicals than any other: “Why bother?” Elliot Grudem, for the Resurgence, offers a handful of solid reasons on why the pre-Christmas season of Advent is full of power and potential.
6) Top Ten Gandhi Inspirational Quotes
I have long loved Gandhi. I have long loved quotes. This LifeHack offering seemed like a no-lose way to close this installment of the Six-Pack.
May your week be full of awareness and enjoyment of the God who already fills it with Himself and every good thing. Blessings on you, my friends.
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