Six-Pack (53)

Welcome to the latest Six-Pack! I am so grateful for every reader who stops by to check out the latest assortment of “best links”.

As regular readers already know, these pieces are generally centered on faith or ministry, though we leave sufficient license to include who-knows-what as we discover it!

If six ever feels overwhelming, start with my two *Picks of the Week*, and move out from there.

For a steady stream of such links, follow me on Twitter to the right of this post.  Sharp quotes and solid articles are tweeted 3-4 times daily.

Today’s edition:

1) Strange Fire and Churches of Christ (*PICK OF THE WEEK*)
Jonathan Storment enters the “Strange Fire” discussion to consider how it links to our shared heritage. There’s some provocative stuff here, particularly comments made by historian Mark Noll.

2) Why the Psalms Matter, Even the Violent Ones
NT Wright was recently in Seattle to teach about the Psalms. A very brief summary of his material, along with a recording of over 60 minutes is provided here for anyone who thinks that might be too good to pass up.

3) Creating Excellence in Ministry on a Small  Budget
Every church I know is striving to do more with less. How do you effectively stretch your resources without snapping something or doing a second-rate job on a first-rate priority? This article has a number of practical suggestions.

4) C.S. Lewis Reviews “The Hobbit”, 1937 (*PICK OF THE WEEK*)
In 1937, CS Lewis reviewed a freshly published novel by his friend Tolkien. He is what he said.

5) Big Promises Can Lead to Better Experiences
A $75 bottle of wine tastes better than a $14 bottle of wine, and it has little to do with the wine. Seth Godin explains.

6) Quotes and More Quotes
Last month, many marked the 50th anniversary of JFK’s death. C.S. Lewis died the same day. Here are Ten Quotes from JFK and Fifty More from Lewis.

May your week ahead be filled with life, as you seek the One from whom it flows!

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  • Which link above was today’s best-of-the-best?
  • Why that one?

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Six-Pack (52)

Missing last week’s Six-Pack has left me with a larger-than-usual pile of options for this week’s collection.

As a result, I’ve got an unusually strong offering for you today! Without further adieu, here are six of the finest posts I’ve recently enjoyed regarding faith, ministry, or who-knows-what.

If six feels steep, start with two. The *Picks of the Week* provide an easy entry point.

For a steady stream of such links, follow me on Twitter to the right of this post.  Sharp quotes and solid articles are tweeted 3-4 times daily.

Today’s edition:

1) Faithful to the End: An Interview with Eugene Peterson (*PICK OF THE WEEK*)
If you’re a pastor, it’s hard not to love Eugene Peterson. Far beyond his providing us with one of the liveliest modern Bible translations, he has poured himself (for years) into writing theologically-loaded, yet pastorally-rooted pieces that are like high-quality nourishment to many in ministry positions. Here, he offers some rich reflection on his decades of service.

2) The Number One Way Leaders Get Derailed
Michael Hyatt offers this observation for all leaders eager to stay on course.

3) Five Things I’ve Learned Since Leaving Full-Time Ministry
Jake Ray, for ChurchLeaders, offers five insights he had about ministry after leaving. Grab these now — they may save you grief. They may even keep you from leaving.

4) It’s You, Not Me: Why More & More Ministers Are Leaving Churches of Christ (*PICK OF THE WEEK*)
This recent piece by Sean Palmer has generated a lot of buzz in my church circles.

5) Today, Just Be Average
HBR challenges the perfectionists out there to try something really hard: Settle down for a day.

6) 20 Encouraging Quotes to Level Up Your Life
Lifehack knows I love quotes, so let’s end there today!

May your week ahead be filled with life, as you seek the One from whom it flows!

leaveacommentYOUR TURN: Your input makes this post better!

  • Which link above was most worthwhile?
  • Why that one?

Direct others to the best of the bunch with a quick comment.

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Saturday Six-Pack (39)

Welcome to the long weekend edition of the Saturday Six-Pack.

Settle in for a few minutes, and move your way through six of the of the best online pieces I found this week. Most are faith-focused or ministry-minded; others are just who-knows-what!

If you need help starting, begin with my two *Picks of the Week*, and move from there.

For a steady stream of such links, follow me on Twitter ( @JasonBandura ) to the right of this post.  Sharp quotes and solid articles are tweeted 3-4 times daily.

Today’s edition:

1) The Unexpected Antidote to Procrastination
What can a prairie boy learn from surfers about life? At least one great thing, according to this HBR piece.

2) Engaging Lecturers Can Breed Overconfidence
Research Digest makes the suggestion that great speakers actually distort the learning process for their listeners. So speakers, aim to suck! Or at least read this post to be aware of what happens when you’re excellent at your job.

3) What Seems to Help in the Midst of Pain
If you’ve ever hurt or wished to help others when they hurt, then Kathy Escobar‘s thoughts may serve you well today.

4) 2013 Chick-Fil-A Leadercast Highlights
I’ve long heard rave reviews of this annual conference. Michael Hyatt has posted a short list of his take-homes from the most recent event.

5) You Only Have $5. What is the Best Way to Invest and Grow Your Money? (*PICK OF THE WEEK*)
This brilliant piece uses an assignment given to Stanford students to vividly highlight the vital place for “out there” thinking.

6) Preaching Better Sermons Top 121 Tweets (*PICK OF THE WEEK*)
Preaching Rocket’s most recent online workshop can be tasted here in 121 tweet-sized morsels! Speakers of all stripes, have at it!

May your weekend be full of awareness and enjoyment of the God who already fills it with Himself and every good thing.  Blessings on you, my friends.

YOUR TURN: Direct other readers to the best stuff with a comment below, or weigh in on what you read.  Your input makes this post better!

[You can subscribe to this blog via RSS or email, in the upper right corner of this page.]

Sunday Six-Pack (34)

Saturday escaped me, but the Six-Pack is rolling out before this weekend passes me by, all the same!

The best ministry-minded or faith-focused articles I could find this week? Here they are, with some grace space for a bit of who-knows-what.

If six options stuns you, start with my two *Picks of the Week*, and pick up steam from there.

For a steady stream of such links, follow me on Twitter ( @JasonBandura ) to the right of this post.  Sharp quotes and solid articles are tweeted 3-4 times daily.

Today’s edition:

1) Providential Accidents
Edward Fudge was writing about the doctrine of hell long before it became trendy. Here is an interview, with Scot McKnight, on his path and findings.

2) 42 Successful People Share the Best Advice They Ever Received
The Business Insider offers this pile of wisdom, much of which your mother may have shared with you back before you were paying attention.

3) Three Ways to Go Further, Faster (*PICK OF THE WEEK*)
Michael Hyatt offers the single most important move he’s made toward gaining on, and accomplishing, some of his life goals.

4) Why are Some Words More Persuasive than Others?
Lifehacker offers this piece on the psychology of language. Fascinating read for any communicator who cares about getting their point across as effectively or powerfully as possible.

5) The Most Overlooked Key to a Growing Church (*PICK OF THE WEEK*)
In this short piece, Rick Warren reminds of a simple, easy-to-forget characteristic that should never be forgotten.

6) John Wesley’s Secret to Making Disciples
Gary Thompson‘s post shares the list of questions that used to guide Wesley’s “accountability groups” before the term even existed. Could this still work today to mature followers of Jesus?

Blessings on you, my friends.  May the week ahead be filled with God in ways that you can sense. Tune yourself in, and walk on!

YOUR TURN: Add a line below to direct other readers to the best stuff above or to highlight the piece that gave you something worth keeping.

Your input makes this post better!

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Saturday Six-Pack (25)

Welcome to Wandering & Wondering!

Here it is–the final “Saturday Six-Pack” of 2012, with one last dose of the best online offerings I’ve found before the calendar runs out.

As usual, if a half-dozen options paralyzes you, begin with my two *Picks of the Week*, and move from there.

For a steady stream of such links, follow me on Twitter ( @JasonBandura ) to the right of this post.  Sharp quotes and solid articles are tweeted 3-4 times daily.

Today’s edition:

1) Why Discomfort is Good for You
Michael Hyatt makes the counter-intuitive (and counter-cultural) assertion that comfort is highly overrated.  Here is why I think he’s right.

2) Narrative Numbness (*PICK OF THE WEEK*)
The language of “story”, significant as it is, has almost been sapped of its power by overuse. That said, this piece from Relevant Magazine nails squarely the key component that cannot be missed as Christians consider their roles in carrying the Jesus-story. Insight is sharp in this brief offering.  Thanks for sharing, CJ Casciotta.

3) 50 Motivational Quotes That Will Put Your Motivation on Overdrive
With January 1, and its spoken or silent resolutions, perhaps one of these fifty quotes, served up by LifeHack, will be just what you need to make that change stick in the year ahead.

4) The Death of a Child: A Parent’s Worst Nightmare (*PICK OF THE WEEK*)
In light of the recent tragedy in Newtown, this piece, by a parent who tasted loss, will offer some insight to any pastor or friend who ever has to walk this road with someone.  Read it, and then pray you never need it.  But if you do, walk that road as well it can be walked.

5) 4 Things I’ve Learned about God through My Baby Who Was Born Blind
This article opens with this: “It’s not often that you get the opportunity to empathize with God; I recently experienced that bitter-sweet insight when I found out that my eleven-week-old baby girl was born almost completely blind.” And on it goes from there.

6) Work Less and Do More by Applying the Pareto Principle to Your Task List
The Pareto Principle says that in most situations roughly 80% of effects come from only 20% of the causes.  Translation: There are a few things in your life that can make all the difference.  Are you aware of what those are?  Lifehacker wants to know.

Happy New Year, my friends.  May the year ahead be unusually full of an awareness of God and how very close He is to you.

Blessings on you, my friends.

YOUR TURN: Direct other readers to the best stuff with a comment below, or weigh in on what you read.  Your input makes this post better!

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