Six-Pack (52)

Missing last week’s Six-Pack has left me with a larger-than-usual pile of options for this week’s collection.

As a result, I’ve got an unusually strong offering for you today! Without further adieu, here are six of the finest posts I’ve recently enjoyed regarding faith, ministry, or who-knows-what.

If six feels steep, start with two. The *Picks of the Week* provide an easy entry point.

For a steady stream of such links, follow me on Twitter to the right of this post.  Sharp quotes and solid articles are tweeted 3-4 times daily.

Today’s edition:

1) Faithful to the End: An Interview with Eugene Peterson (*PICK OF THE WEEK*)
If you’re a pastor, it’s hard not to love Eugene Peterson. Far beyond his providing us with one of the liveliest modern Bible translations, he has poured himself (for years) into writing theologically-loaded, yet pastorally-rooted pieces that are like high-quality nourishment to many in ministry positions. Here, he offers some rich reflection on his decades of service.

2) The Number One Way Leaders Get Derailed
Michael Hyatt offers this observation for all leaders eager to stay on course.

3) Five Things I’ve Learned Since Leaving Full-Time Ministry
Jake Ray, for ChurchLeaders, offers five insights he had about ministry after leaving. Grab these now — they may save you grief. They may even keep you from leaving.

4) It’s You, Not Me: Why More & More Ministers Are Leaving Churches of Christ (*PICK OF THE WEEK*)
This recent piece by Sean Palmer has generated a lot of buzz in my church circles.

5) Today, Just Be Average
HBR challenges the perfectionists out there to try something really hard: Settle down for a day.

6) 20 Encouraging Quotes to Level Up Your Life
Lifehack knows I love quotes, so let’s end there today!

May your week ahead be filled with life, as you seek the One from whom it flows!

leaveacommentYOUR TURN: Your input makes this post better!

  • Which link above was most worthwhile?
  • Why that one?

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Saturday Six-Pack (25)

Welcome to Wandering & Wondering!

Here it is–the final “Saturday Six-Pack” of 2012, with one last dose of the best online offerings I’ve found before the calendar runs out.

As usual, if a half-dozen options paralyzes you, begin with my two *Picks of the Week*, and move from there.

For a steady stream of such links, follow me on Twitter ( @JasonBandura ) to the right of this post.  Sharp quotes and solid articles are tweeted 3-4 times daily.

Today’s edition:

1) Why Discomfort is Good for You
Michael Hyatt makes the counter-intuitive (and counter-cultural) assertion that comfort is highly overrated.  Here is why I think he’s right.

2) Narrative Numbness (*PICK OF THE WEEK*)
The language of “story”, significant as it is, has almost been sapped of its power by overuse. That said, this piece from Relevant Magazine nails squarely the key component that cannot be missed as Christians consider their roles in carrying the Jesus-story. Insight is sharp in this brief offering.  Thanks for sharing, CJ Casciotta.

3) 50 Motivational Quotes That Will Put Your Motivation on Overdrive
With January 1, and its spoken or silent resolutions, perhaps one of these fifty quotes, served up by LifeHack, will be just what you need to make that change stick in the year ahead.

4) The Death of a Child: A Parent’s Worst Nightmare (*PICK OF THE WEEK*)
In light of the recent tragedy in Newtown, this piece, by a parent who tasted loss, will offer some insight to any pastor or friend who ever has to walk this road with someone.  Read it, and then pray you never need it.  But if you do, walk that road as well it can be walked.

5) 4 Things I’ve Learned about God through My Baby Who Was Born Blind
This article opens with this: “It’s not often that you get the opportunity to empathize with God; I recently experienced that bitter-sweet insight when I found out that my eleven-week-old baby girl was born almost completely blind.” And on it goes from there.

6) Work Less and Do More by Applying the Pareto Principle to Your Task List
The Pareto Principle says that in most situations roughly 80% of effects come from only 20% of the causes.  Translation: There are a few things in your life that can make all the difference.  Are you aware of what those are?  Lifehacker wants to know.

Happy New Year, my friends.  May the year ahead be unusually full of an awareness of God and how very close He is to you.

Blessings on you, my friends.

YOUR TURN: Direct other readers to the best stuff with a comment below, or weigh in on what you read.  Your input makes this post better!

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Saturday Six-Pack (21)

Leaning heavily on the adage “better late than never”, I give you this week’s Saturday Six-Pack… on Tuesday!

The perk? Only five days to the next half-dozen online offerings.

As usual, these articles are mostly faith-focused or ministry-geared, with a bit of disorderly-pile-of-who-knows-what tossed in!

If you need help starting, begin with my two *Picks of the Week*, and move from there.

For a steady stream of such links, follow me on Twitter ( @JasonBandura ) to the right of this post.  Sharp quotes and solid articles are tweeted 3-4 times daily.

Today’s edition:

1) The Bonds of Freedom
There is great paradox within the Christian understanding of freedom.  This piece from Christianity Today‘s Roger Olson fleshes out the tensions that differentiate Christian freedom from the version many of us fantasize about.

2) Tracking Wonder and Making More Time to Create
This non-Christian piece from Psychology Today was my morning call to prayer.  If you need more time for living, your next move is worship.  At least, that is what I read.  For the original statement, click the link above.

3) Great Quotes on Great Leadership (*PICK OF THE WEEK*)
Anyone who knows me knows that I love a great quote. Tim Challies offers this list of the best bits he found in Albert Mohler’s book, “The Conviction to Lead.” (He reviews the book, which he calls “probably the best book on leadership I’ve ever read” HERE.)

4) You Asked: Does the Bible Separate Salvation from Baptism?
This brief but balanced response is offered by the Gospel Coalition to a question received from a reader, a question relevant to the whole of the Christian community, and helpfully clarifying to my Churches of Christ heritage, whose views get unnamed mention in this piece.

5) Why Should We Care About Advent? (*PICK OF THE WEEK*)
In regard to Advent, there’s one question that trips up more Evangelicals than any other: “Why bother?”  Elliot Grudem, for the Resurgence, offers a handful of solid reasons on why the pre-Christmas season of Advent is full of power and potential.

6) Top Ten Gandhi Inspirational Quotes
I have long loved Gandhi. I have long loved quotes.  This LifeHack offering seemed like a no-lose way to close this installment of the Six-Pack.

May your week be full of awareness and enjoyment of the God who already fills it with Himself and every good thing.  Blessings on you, my friends.

YOUR TURN: Direct other readers to the best stuff with a comment below, or weigh in on what you read.  Your input makes this post better!

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Saturday Six-Pack (16)

Welcome to the weekend.  Time again for some “Wandering & Wondering”.

Today’s Six-Pack features some of the best faith-focused and ministry-minded online pieces that have crossed my path recently.

In case six pieces is too daunting, skim the summaries and look for my two “Picks of the Week”.

In this edition:

1) The Mystery of a Lost Generation
The internetmonk Jeff Dunn has provided a beautiful piece here, weaving together a commentary on a couple recent CNN articles and a review of the latest album by Rush to communicate the truths of love and mystery that reside in God.  Well worth the read! **PICK OF THE WEEK**

2) 7 Objections to Going to Seminary
Justin Taylor scrapes the surface of an article by John Frame, entitled, “Learning at Jesus’ Feet: A Case for Seminary Training”.  As a graduate of such a school, I can attest to both the struggle and the value of the experience.

3) Am I Prone to Wander?
The classic hymn “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” has raised more than a few modern eyebrows with its talk of Ebenezer-raising.  However, Tim Challies would rather focus on another line.

4) America’s Premier Heresy
Scot McKnight is hitting the nail squarely in this piece.  He’s even naming names!  Read Revelation 2-3 and then this piece, and tell me if you think any of this material would be in the letter that Jesus would compose to your church today.  **PICK OF THE WEEK**

5) Dancing on the Edge of Finished
If you’ve ever felt like the “to do” list never ends, as if you can never achieve that peaceful satisfaction of “arriving”, then Seth Godin would like your attention for sixty seconds.

6) 17 Manly Quotes for Father’s Day
Take my wife’s favourite number, put a man-related quote beside each digit, and you’d get this list just in time for Father’s Day.

That’s all for now.  Enjoy your weekend, friends, through renewing yourself and reverencing God.

Tuesday Trick: How to Improve Your Day with One Simple Move

Simple fixes are usually trash.

My cynical side regularly roars in and devours such suggestions before they can even escape the womb from which they were born and find their feet in the soil of reality.  [Apologies for the graphic “Discovery Channel” imagery.]

But this one (from Sybil Chavis at LifeHack)?  I’ll let this cute little fuzzy idea get a breath.

In fact, I’ll even pause in the midst of my day and catch one myself.

And you should too.