Saturday Six-Pack (2)

Welcome to the weekend, and thanks for spending some time “Wandering & Wondering”.

With the inaugural edition of “Saturday Six-Pack” out of the way, let me once again provide a half-dozen directions you might look for some fine online reading this fine day.

Typically, these articles are faith-focused or ministry-geared, but I reserve the right to live up to the “disorderly pile of who-knows-what” tagline at the top of this page!

In this edition:

1) Can We Prepare our Culture to Receive the Gospel
Justin Taylor provides this quote from “Christianity and Culture”, an essay written by J. Gresham Machen (1881-1937).  Living out faith within a culture that many describe as increasingly closed to Christianity, how might these words speak into what can or cannot be done in “opening doors”?

2) What Every Man Wishes His Father Had Told Him
Byron Yawn has written a newly released book by this title, and Tim Challies provides this positive review of its contributions toward helping men become more the men, husbands, and fathers that God has created us to be.

3) How to Tell a Good Story with our Life
A few years back, Donald Miller wrote a book called “A Million Miles in a Thousand Years”, which challenged readers to consider their lives against the list of ingredients which compose all great stories.  How might we pursue a life comparable to the rich tales we love?  A much-shorter-than-the-book summary can be found here.

4) It’s Time to Move from Minutia to Movement
If you’re seeking spiritual revival, dreaming that it could happen in your church or country or lifetime, then this piece by Mark Driscoll may feed (or fuel) your hunger.

5) Your Best Creative Time is Not When You Think
The tag line of this article, from Scientific American, says this: “Morning people have more insights in the evening. Night owls have their breakthroughs in the morning.”  Translation: Out-of-the-box thinking, the type often needed to troubleshoot life, is a tad odd.  How to maximize it?  Start with this article.

6) Music for Lent
Searching for some fresh tunes for these pre-Easter days?  How about something that nudge you along in the classic Lent themes of struggle and sin moving into hope and even resurrection?  Go with Bruce Springsteen. Yes, the born-in-the-USA Bruce Springsteen.

Have a great weekend, friends–renew yourself and reverence God.