Missing last week’s Six-Pack has left me with a larger-than-usual pile of options for this week’s collection.
As a result, I’ve got an unusually strong offering for you today! Without further adieu, here are six of the finest posts I’ve recently enjoyed regarding faith, ministry, or who-knows-what.
If six feels steep, start with two. The *Picks of the Week* provide an easy entry point.
For a steady stream of such links, follow me on Twitter to the right of this post. Sharp quotes and solid articles are tweeted 3-4 times daily.
Today’s edition:
1) Faithful to the End: An Interview with Eugene Peterson (*PICK OF THE WEEK*)
If you’re a pastor, it’s hard not to love Eugene Peterson. Far beyond his providing us with one of the liveliest modern Bible translations, he has poured himself (for years) into writing theologically-loaded, yet pastorally-rooted pieces that are like high-quality nourishment to many in ministry positions. Here, he offers some rich reflection on his decades of service.
2) The Number One Way Leaders Get Derailed
Michael Hyatt offers this observation for all leaders eager to stay on course.
3) Five Things I’ve Learned Since Leaving Full-Time Ministry
Jake Ray, for ChurchLeaders, offers five insights he had about ministry after leaving. Grab these now — they may save you grief. They may even keep you from leaving.
4) It’s You, Not Me: Why More & More Ministers Are Leaving Churches of Christ (*PICK OF THE WEEK*)
This recent piece by Sean Palmer has generated a lot of buzz in my church circles.
5) Today, Just Be Average
HBR challenges the perfectionists out there to try something really hard: Settle down for a day.
6) 20 Encouraging Quotes to Level Up Your Life
Lifehack knows I love quotes, so let’s end there today!
May your week ahead be filled with life, as you seek the One from whom it flows!
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- Why that one?
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