On July 30, 2006, one month after re-settling in Canada, I posted my first entry on a new blog that I had chosen to title, “Wandering & Wondering”. Nearly 106 months later, I am still here. This post will be #1001. Apparently 8 years is a millennium in blog-years!
Over that span, the diversity of content has definitely taken full advantage of the tagline at the top of this page: “a disorderly pile of who-knows-what”. A few posts have been profound, most have likely not. Some posts have ended up as I envisioned them, many not quite. A handful of posts have generated significant discussion; most have faded into cyber-oblivion with no response at all. Regardless, the experience of posting something — anything! — every third day has been a pleasure, one that I don’t intend to give up anytime soon.
Those who have joined me along the way, you are warmly welcomed. I’m so glad you’re here! For those who have wandered and wondered all the way along, I have no ability to reward you sufficiently for such outrageous companionship. You are clearly special people – certainly special, as in “wonderful”; likely also special, as in “needing more hobbies” as well. 😉
For tonight, it’s time to hit “publish” on this post. Now begins the quest to make the second thousand posts better than the first.
Grace and peace, my friends!