Saturday Six-Pack (16)

Welcome to the weekend.  Time again for some “Wandering & Wondering”.

Today’s Six-Pack features some of the best faith-focused and ministry-minded online pieces that have crossed my path recently.

In case six pieces is too daunting, skim the summaries and look for my two “Picks of the Week”.

In this edition:

1) The Mystery of a Lost Generation
The internetmonk Jeff Dunn has provided a beautiful piece here, weaving together a commentary on a couple recent CNN articles and a review of the latest album by Rush to communicate the truths of love and mystery that reside in God.  Well worth the read! **PICK OF THE WEEK**

2) 7 Objections to Going to Seminary
Justin Taylor scrapes the surface of an article by John Frame, entitled, “Learning at Jesus’ Feet: A Case for Seminary Training”.  As a graduate of such a school, I can attest to both the struggle and the value of the experience.

3) Am I Prone to Wander?
The classic hymn “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” has raised more than a few modern eyebrows with its talk of Ebenezer-raising.  However, Tim Challies would rather focus on another line.

4) America’s Premier Heresy
Scot McKnight is hitting the nail squarely in this piece.  He’s even naming names!  Read Revelation 2-3 and then this piece, and tell me if you think any of this material would be in the letter that Jesus would compose to your church today.  **PICK OF THE WEEK**

5) Dancing on the Edge of Finished
If you’ve ever felt like the “to do” list never ends, as if you can never achieve that peaceful satisfaction of “arriving”, then Seth Godin would like your attention for sixty seconds.

6) 17 Manly Quotes for Father’s Day
Take my wife’s favourite number, put a man-related quote beside each digit, and you’d get this list just in time for Father’s Day.

That’s all for now.  Enjoy your weekend, friends, through renewing yourself and reverencing God.

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