Welcome to the weekend, and thanks for spending some time “Wandering & Wondering”.
This week’s Six-Pack features the usual: A half-dozen of the best articles I’ve read this week–mostly faith-focused or ministry-geared, with a bit of who-knows-what tossed in!
This week’s load:
1) Good News VS Good Advice
The Gospel is only one of these, and it is amazingly easy to get this mixed up.
2) Four Results of Christ’s Ascension
A couple years back, a friend called. He had been assigned to preach a sermon about the significance of Christ’s Ascension. We both agreed that we’d heard much about Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection, but somehow the Ascension had always been treated as something of an assumed afterthought. If I could go back, I might at least send him to this piece as a starter.
3) Why Do Christians Need to Make it All Better?
Many believers rush through pain to get to the hope. But is that the best way?
4) Fake Love, Fake War: Why So Many Men Are Addicted to Internet Porn and Video Games
I’ve seen at least a few articles recently based on this same pile of research. This is some insightful stuff on what makes men tick AND why these two counterfeits are so dangerous in how they impact those who consume them.
5) The Story of Send
Ever wonder what happens to your email after you hit the “Send” button? If so, you might be interested by this entry from Google Green. Ironically, following the story takes far longer than actually sending and receiving an email in the first place, but it’s a pretty entertaining way to learn something new.
6) How Mosquitoes Survive Collisions with Raindrops
Mosquito to raindrop equals person to school bus. How would you deal with such mid-air meetings if you could fly? Should that ever be useful information, this post is for you. For the rest of us, it’s just for fascination’s sake.
Enjoy your weekend, friends, through renewing yourself and reverencing God.