Redirected (6/28)

I confess to slacking off.  This February-post-a-day thing isn’t flying yet.  But it’s not lack of desire;it’s lack of quality blog thoughts.

Sometimes I’m in deep-thoughts-everyday mode like Chelsey.  But I’ve got other times too.  These are those times.

So I redirect you to the thoughts of two others that caught me recently…

“We must put away all effort to impress and come with the guileless candor of childhood.” (A.W. Tozer)

Put away my efforts to impress… do I do that?  How much of my coming to God is about trying to look however it is that I think I’m supposed to?  How often do I just come as unassuming as a child?  Sigh.  I need to do that.

“If you are hungry for the fire to fall in your church, then you need to just crawl up on the altar and say, ‘God, whatever it takes.  I lay myself on the altar and ask You to consume me with Your fire, Lord.’  Then you can follow the lead of John Wesley, who explained how he drew such large crowds during the First Great Awakening: ‘I set myself on fire, and the people come to see me burn.'”  (Tommy Tenney)

Set myself on fire?  Hmm.  Not sure that’s the most inviting imagery, but I know what he’s getting at.  Sounds like that living sacrifice idea–and I know that’s the call for anyone who’s paying attention.  God, teach me how this works.

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