Random Bits from the Road

Hi friends.

In the midst of a trip like this, it’s amazing how many random experiences and memorable lessons arise.  From that file, I offer these miscellaneous bits…

  • The people of the Middle East are by and large some of the most friendly people I’ve met.  I’m sure there are some grumpy, unpleasant ones too, but we’ve been blessed by many of the “good ones” during these days.
  • When the Bible speaks of the Israelites spending forty years “in the wilderness”, it’s not joking.  Webster defines wilderness as “a tract or region uncultivated and uninhabited by human beings”.  Um… yes… that’s the land of Sinai in every sense of the word.  Trekking through there for FORTY YEARS… beyond my imagination!  It had to be a faith-building process; perhaps that’s EXACTLY what it was aimed to be.
  • My sweet wife gave me a vacation gift after we left: Anne Rice’s latest novel “The Road to Cana”… a real beauty!  That woman can write, and her latest two books do good things in the minds of any who wonder what those pre-public-ministry days of Jesus might have looked like through his eyes.  Very intriguing threads of thought… 
  • Camels are among the gassiest members of the animal kingdom–you can mark that down as truth.
  • Food served at tables surrounded by cushions, beside the ocean… DOES taste better than normal food.  You can mark that down as another truth.
  • The Pattersons are among the “funnest” members of the human kingdom to travel with–you can mark that down as one couple’s opinion.
  • Does anyone else feel lazy when they travel and constantly encounter people who fluently speak anywhere from two to a dozen languages?!
  • If you’re ever snorkeling and see a pink thread in the water, don’t continue swimming with your forehead out front… because those tentacles of jellyfish… yeah, those DO sting!  My sweet wife reminded me of what we learned on “Survivor” a few years back… you’re supposed to pee on a jellyfish sting, aren’t you?!  Riiiiiigggghhhhhtttttt…
  • Once again, it was confirmed for me that the ocean is really another world!  The colours and shapes of the creatures down there just seem to blow everything above the water away.  It’s crazy to think that all of that life down there goes on each day, hardly even seen by human eyes.  Quite a world!
  • The saddles that are placed on camels are too small for the average person.  Mark that down as truth.  And why on earth there aren’t stirrups on these beasts is beyond me!  Those two little bumps on the bottoms of the human pelvis… those are now called “camel bones”… and riding camels smashes them.  Mark it down for future reference.
  • The border crossing from Israel to Egypt takes only 10 minutes to get through.  Unless you get stuck in line behind every passenger of a tour bus… then it takes nearly 2 hours.
  • Falafel, shwarma, and hummous are delicious foods.  If you eat them for every meal for three days, then this fact is up for debate.
  • The best Greek salads I’ve ever had are in Egypt.  (Don’t tell the Greeks.)
  • Barb and Shannon agree that any land with massages and pedicures for $20 or less is a great place to be.  Their husbands agree.
  • Traveler’s cheques are stupid.  I’ve never had so much trouble getting money, as I have with these fancy pieces of paper in these lovely places.  The age of ATM’s is a beautiful thing.
  • Holidays are good; home is a sweet thing too.

One last supper in Egypt is calling.  Tomorrow brings us back to Israel on a 6 AM bus.  We’ll have a few final days of exploring the southern half of the country before getting to Tel Aviv for the flight home.

Much love to you back at home.  We’ll see you soon.

5 thoughts on “Random Bits from the Road

  1. has it really already been three weeks since you were photocopying your passports and chatting with us? crazy. i often feel pretty trapped in my one language, maybe it’s time to change that!

  2. Way to go Jason! Now Nic is going to go out and get himself a camel!

    Do you ever think of the consequences of the things you write?

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