
Walking around within any Chinese city lets one view a whole lot of cars.  And most of them look the same.  Most of them (including every single taxi) are a make called a Citroen.  It’s a hatchback about the size of the old VW Rabbits.  And this is the standard for a car over here.  Add to that some other tiny cars and a whole lot of scooters and motorbikes and bicycles, and one’s mind just gets tuned to much smaller vehicles.

Then we walked past a Lincoln Navigator.

Do you know what those look like?

I’ll tell you what they look like.

At that moment, in this place, through these eyes, it looked like a monstrosity…

A road-hogging, fuel-chugging, indulgent-to-the-max smog-causer.

I realize that one might see such vehicles at Wal-Mart any day of the week back home.

But here and now, it just reminded me, “Man, everything is sure relative.”

And I’m not sure that “relative” is always good.

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