“How’s Your Week Been?”

I got asked that several times on the weekend; my answer?”It didn’t go how I’d planned it.”

One friend replied, “Oh, more of my weeks are like that than the going-according-to-plan kind.”

I think that sentence was supposed to offer comfort. Didn’t work.

This may sound like minor stuff, but I found it very frustrating. Last week was a week in which I anticipated enjoying more freedom than usual. Some of my weekly duties weren’t in effect last week, enough so that I was eagerly eyeing my schedule: The reading I was going to do, the planning for down the road, the writing, the visiting,… what a week it was going to be!

And then life happened.

And it happened in a way that I hadn’t planned.  How dare it!

Twenty-minute jobs took two hours. One-hour jobs stretched into three. Tasks I had even dreamed up started popping out of the woodwork. Grrrrr!

And I wouldn’t claim to know why, but this ugly little doggie called Get-Nothing-Done-and-Fast felt the need to follow me home from the office.

Now putting up curtain rods (a small job, right?) had to involve an errand for new brackets, a trip across town to borrow a drill that I wasn’t planning on using, a dead battery on the drill five minutes into the job, another trip for another drill, another dead battery (I’m not making this up), a sigh of thanks that I’d borrowed two batteries this time, a broken piece of hardware, some rummaging around in the basement for new  bits of hardware, and curtain rods are finally up.

That was but one example of about five from the weekend.  The weekend… you know: The relaxing, laid-back part of your week, when you’re never tempted to say bad words.

All that said, life’s actually pretty good these days. Really.

Blogging’s just bringing out the best in me lately.

Merry Christmas!

1 thought on ““How’s Your Week Been?”

  1. So, tools are what you’d like for Christmas this year? Whenever my Dad and I go to do a job somewhere (repairs for something) we always take way more tools then we need and then we still sometimes have to buy something. Its a proven fact. To do even the simplest of jobs you’ll need 5 times the number of tools to parts you require. but if you have/own the right tools then the job can go reasonably well. I’ve learned that the hard way. So before I go and start repairing everything around me, I’ll be spending a number of years slowly gathering tools for various things so that when I’m ready, I can fix the kitchen sink as well as any plumber. (I hope.)

    But on the other hand, I never did like construction… hmmm.

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