Yes, that’s Thanksgiving weekend I’m talking about. For any American readers, yes, this IS the time for Thanksgiving.
A few favourite parts…
Lectureship ’06 at WCC: Piles of people to visit that we hadn’t seen for a long time, a worthwhile workshop for ministry folks on “Broken Churches”, a “wow” kind of presentation about the work of Christians in the Ukraine, and a well-taught class on the Holy Spirit in the book of Acts. Add to that our China presentation and my leading a late night worship time, and the evening was full.
Sports: Late night chances came for some volleyball and some hockey, both games I haven’t played in years. Volleyball–I can at least fake like I know where to be and what to do; hockey–hey, I’ve got the blisters and pulled leg muscles to prove I was there.
Keys: Saturday we were handed the keys to our new home. Sunday and Monday saw us moving boxes and the few pieces of furniture that we own.
Riders: Is there something wrong when the highlight of my Monday was moving boxes and furniture?! Ouch.
This week is going to be a quick one! Monday’s gone. Today is “breeze through the office; do what NEEDS doing; get heat, water, power, phone hooked up; and whatever else comes along” day. That leaves three days for getting ready for Sunday’s tasks, visiting a few fine folks for suppers and visits, and gearing up for the Riders’ final home game on Friday and the Glen Elm Kings’ first hockey game on Saturday.
Anyone else up for another long weekend?!
wish i could have been there to play some hockey with you, jay. are you playing with the church team this year?
Yeah. When Tie Domi retired, Glen Elm felt the need to bring in an enforcer-type with wild eyebrows. I don’t exactly fit, but it’s all they could afford when factoring in the salary cap.